Our AI solutions

We offer the full range of Intelligent Document Processing - bundled in various AI solutions: from separating, classifying and extracting your documents to content analysis.



Page separation / splitting of documents

Automatic separation of related processes into individual business documents. With document and page separation, individual documents are identified in multi-page documents. These can then be downloaded individually.

Classification of documents

We use machine learning technologies to classify documents automatically. This determines what type of document it is. For example, it can be used to assign your incoming mail to specialist document types.


Data extraction / reading out documents

Easily turn your documents into structured data. We use image and text analysis techniques to identify and read data from your documents quickly and efficiently. You can then process this data further in your systems via JSON file.

Anonymization of data in documents

Anonymization permanently removes personal data from documents in a way that cannot be reconstructed, in order to protect the privacy of the persons concerned and to ensure data protection.Using an algorithm pre-trainedby Buildsimple ,documents are stripped of personal and numerical references and the corresponding digits are replaced by random sequences of letters and numbers.

Recognition of deletions and handwritten additions

With this solution, you can automatically search a large number of documents for deletions and handwritten additions. In contract management, for example, this can reduce the effort required for manual reviews or even the risk of undetected manipulation.

Detection of fake and AI-generated images

This solution is made possible in collaboration with our partner. Publicly available AIs are getting better and better at forging digital images. To protect against this, our partner fully authenticates digital images in a matter of seconds and reliably detects image-based insurance fraud. The solution actively combats deepfakes and fraud through image-based manipulation. 

Pipelines: Document processing workflows

Create your personal document processing workflow with selected AI solutions. Pipelines are structured sequences of processing steps that can be run through automatically. Each pipeline consists of several components or services that perform specific tasks. This results in faster throughput times and less time spent on process creation.

Content analysis

Document content analysis is a useful way to analyze and gain insights from large amounts of text data. For example, by analyzing customer experiences, you can identify patterns in your customers' needs and interests.

Sentiment analysis

With sentiment analysis, moods or emotions expressed in a document can be automatically detected and classified. This can be used to automatically identify a complaint in the insurance industry, for example. 

Context analysis

With the method of Natural Language Processing (NLP), texts in documents can be analyzed and interpreted. This allows the content of documents to be understood and placed in the appropriate context. 

Get started now with Intelligent Document